Marching Band Competition​
October 5th, 2024
The 2024 Franklin County Classic will be hosted on October 5th! We are looking forward to you joining us in Rocky Mount, Va!
For over three decades, The FC Classic has been host to hundreds of area marching band programs. We have a 6000 seat stadium and parking to accommodate any size band program. With bus parking near the stadium, multiple warm-up areas, and delicious concessions we are here to help your program have a great day! Please consider spending the day with us in beautiful Franklin County Virginia!
Directors, register your band today by clicking the link >>>>>
Visitor Information
Parking Information
All passenger vehicles (spectators, chaperones, and band staff) will park in the parking lot in front of Central Gym. The entrance will be marked with signs and parking attendants will help direct traffic. (See map at the bottom of this page)
Spectator Tickets and Programs are available at the stadium ticket booth on the day of the event. Children under 5 are free. Both credit/debit card/tap and cash will be accepted.
Restrooms available in the stadium area.
Franklin County Band Boosters will have a variety of concession items for purchase at the home side concession stand. This is a FUNDRAISING event for our band program, and we encourage you to take advantage of the available concessions.​ Both credit/debit card/tap and cash will be accepted.
We will take pre-orders for our concessions for visiting High School's. The pre-order form will be provided the the band directors in advance of the competition.
*Bands and spectators are NOT allowed to grill out in the parking lot per school policy. Additionally, Franklin County will NOT be able to provide indoor space for food preparation/consumption.
Band Grams
The FC Classic will provide guests the opportunity to send congratulatory comments to band members via Band Grams. Band Grams will be available for purchase near the entrance of the stadium and will be read as each band enters the field.
Stadium Policies
Franklin County Public School System campuses are smoke free. No umbrellas, coolers, drinks, or other food items will be allowed into the stadium.
In a effort to keep our High School Athletic Events as safe as possible and after consulting with both local Law Enforcement Agencies, Franklin County Schools will NO longer allow bags to be brought inside our athletic facilities by the general public unless they are in a clear see through bag. The only exceptions will be Medically Necessary Items and Diaper Bags with an infant….both would require proper inspection before admittance.
Weather/Rain Policy
In the case of heavy rain and/or lightning, the FC Classic will cancel the competition. Band Directors will recieve as much notice as possible if this is the case.
First Aid
Franklin County EMT or and Athletic trainer will be available at the location indicated on the map for any first aid needs.
An aerial map of the Franklin County campus has been provided below.
Director Information
Parking Information
An aerial view of the Franklin County Campus has been provided at the bottom of this page.
Spectator parking lots are noted on the map as well. Booster Volunteers will be assigning parking spots upon your arrival.
All equipment truck and buses will be parked along the side and back of school. Please note, equipment trucks and buses may not be parked right next to each other, but they will be close to each other. All passenger vehicles (spectators, chaperones, and band staff) will park in the Central Parking lot. The entrance will be marked with signs and parking attendants will help direct traffic.
Upon arrival, Band Directors will be directed to the registration table. Please register your band at this time. If you are arriving early, please register your band upon arrival. Students are asked to stay on the bus until the Director registers the band. You will be provided with enough wristbands/stamps to cover the number of performers you listed previously.
Dressing Facilities
Changing facilities are provided for your band. Your guide will take you to this area located inside the high school unless instructed otherwise by you. Bands arriving prior to their assigned dressing time will be allowed to use the facilities as they are available. There will be volunteers assigned to maintain the dressing facilities. No bands will be allowed to use the dressing facilities unless accompanied by a male and a female chaperone from your program.
Music Warm-Up Area
Please see the aerial view of FCHS in this guide to locate the music warm-up areas. Bands will be given at-least 30 minutes in the warm-up area. If the area is available prior to your assigned time, you may enter it early. However, the band assigned to the area for a scheduled time has precedence in the area for that time. We will have water available on the way to the performance field at each of the Warm-Up areas.
Front Ensemble Warm-Up
Due to sound carry into the stadium, front ensemble percussion may not warm-up in the equipment truck parking lot. These sections may go to the front of the school with the rest of the band to our regular warm-up areas. We have plenty of space for the winds, guard, drumline, and front ensemble to each have their own area if needed.
We will be using caption weights as our scoring. We have assembled a panel of some of the most experienced people in all levels of music and marching band performance.
Judge Assignments:​
Music Performance – TBD
Visual Performance – Dan Gould
Music Effect - Robb Shipp
Visual Effect - Rocky Ankeny
Color Guard – TBD
Percussion – Daniel Williams
Awards Ceremony
Please advise your band representatives to listen carefully for the announcements made directing all band representatives to assemble for the awards ceremony. This will occur just before Franklin County's performance. Directly following the evening award ceremony, Directors will be given the opportunity to pick up their comment sheets, judge’s commentary, and recaps.
An awards ceremony will be held at the end of all performances. This ceremony will be representatives (drum majors, captains, etc.) only. The following awards will be given in each class:
1st, 2nd Place Band in each class
1st and 2nd Place Music Performance
1st and 2nd Place Visual Performance
1st and 2nd Place General Effect (sum of Visual & Music Effect)
1st and 2nd Place Percussion
1st and 2nd Place Color Guard
In addition, the following awards will be given:
The Pride of the Eagle Award
FC Classic Pit Crew Award
Class 1a/2a Grand Champion
Class 3a/4a Grand Champion
Video Taping
Due to limited space in and around the press box. It will be the directors responsibility to record the performance.
Band Director Hospitality
A Band Director’s hospitality tent will be set up in the "Eagles Nest" area on the visitor side. We encourage you and your staff to visit this area for refreshments throughout the day. This area is reserved for staff only, please no chaperones or band parents.
Bus Driver Hospitality
Bus drivers will be given a coupon that will be good for a drink, a meal item, & chips /or dessert item from our concession stand.
Instrument Repairs
Directors, please make sure to bring back up instruments incase of instrument issues. If a back-up is needed, please call/text Mr. Singer and we will provide a loaner for you and your student.
Additional Concerns
If you should have any questions or concerns, we will do everything possible to accommodate your needs. Questions on the day of the event may be addressed to your band guide. Please feel free to contact Director of Bands, Mr. Singer with questions prior to, the day of, or after the day of the event.